Why Cant I Upload Itunes Songs to Icloud to Save Space
Apple tree gives you 5GB iCloud storage for free, but do you know what you can practice with it? Does it accept annihilation to exercise with music in the deject, or on your iPhone or iPad? I ponder this question, along with a question well-nigh the needlessly complex issue of rating songs and albums in iTunes.
I don't grok the cloud
Q: I bought a 128GB iPhone so I can store a lot of music on my device. Merely now, to listen to music on the iPhone, I accept to use iCloud, and I only take 5GB free storage. Practise I have to buy more storage to exist able to listen to more music with Apple Music?
Apple is doing users a disservice by not clearly explaining what iCloud storage is for. Part of the problem is that they use the word "iCloud" with so many features: iCloud Music Library, iCloud Photo Library, and all those settings in the iCloud department of the iPhone and iPad Settings app. iCloud includes email, contacts, bookmarks, calendars, backups, and more.
When yous purchase a subscription to Apple Music (or iTunes Match), Apple lets yous store up to 100,000 tracks in the cloud. These tin be tracks that y'all've got in your iTunes library—such equally CDs yous've ripped—or tracks you lot've added to My Music from Apple Music. In addition, any music you've purchased from the iTunes Store is added to your deject storage, however doesn't count against the 100K runway limit.
Apple gives you 5GB iCloud storage for complimentary, but this has nothing to practice with music. You can use this storage for files from dissimilar apps that can use iCloud, for iOS device backups, and for your photos. Where music is counted in the number of tracks—regardless of their length—photos are counted by size, and then at that place'due south no fashion of knowing how many photos you can store in the cloud.
It's very disruptive. I often get this sort of question; people don't realize exactly what iCloud storage is for, and finish up paying for boosted storage thinking, sometimes, that information technology actually expands the storage on their device (well-nigh, of course), allowing them to put more than content, such equally music or videos, on their iPhone or iPad and recall information technology, when they want, from the cloud.
Apple really needs to brand all this clearer.
Anthology ratings make my caput hurt
Q: I cannot assign ratings to the "anthology rating" column in iTunes 12. All of my old album ratings work and appear in black, just all of the new ones are in gray and are automatically determined by my ratings of the songs on the albums. Nonetheless, I employ album ratings and song ratings independently, to determine which albums sync to my iPod, and desire to decide an anthology ranking myself. Is at that place any style to fix this?
I recall there are two questions here. The first is about rating albums, and the 2d is about the confusion in iTunes betwixt song and album ratings.
To outset with, yous can rate albums in iTunes in different ways in dissimilar views. (I talk over the different media views in this commodity.) The question mentions the Album Rating cavalcade, presumably the one that you lot tin display when in Songs view. That'due south a read-but column; clicking it does nothing.
The Album Rating displays below or to the correct of the album name, depending on the view you cull. In the screenshot beneath, I've chosen to view two albums in Artists view.

Two albums in iTunes, one where I practical a rating to the album, and the 2nd where I rated each song.
In the screenshot above, you tin can run into that stars to the correct of the album proper name are black for Hotel California, and gray for Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975. Here'due south where things get complicated.
The black stars for the commencement album indicate that I've rated that album manually. I've done so by hovering my cursor over the section where those stars are and clicking the rightmost fifth star. (When y'all hover the cursor, you run into trivial dots; click and yous see stars.) To remove this album rating, click just to the left of the leftmost star; this resets information technology to unrated. Y'all can as well remove album ratings by correct-clicking an album in Albums, Artists, Composers, or Genres view (simply not Playlist or Songs view), and choosing Album Rating > None. You lot can do this for multiple albums, but merely when in Genres view. That makes sense, right?
The Rating cavalcade following each song proper noun shows song ratings, and since I hadn't rated songs in Hotel California, iTunes displays a gray star, showing that information technology's a sort of average rating based on the anthology rating. Look at the 2nd anthology; you can see that I've rated all the songs iv or five stars, and for the album rating, next to the artwork, iTunes has worked out an average of four stars for the album's overall rating. You cannot delete these boilerplate ratings.
I problem that occurred when iTunes 12.ii was released was that some vocal ratings were applied to album ratings. I don't use album ratings, just for those who do, this can be problematic. You'll demand to go dorsum and manually change a lot of ratings to get things back to where they were before.
Oh, and in that location's also the new ♡ rating. That's a topic for another cavalcade…
Accept questions of your own for the iTunes Guy? Transport them along for his consideration.
Source: https://www.macworld.com/article/227229/ask-the-itunes-guy-understanding-icloud-storage-issues-with-songs-ratings.html
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